
Useful links

is an excellent supplementary text for any social studies classroom.

Visit the to order the book and find a host of valuable economics aids and resources.

Browse The and other helpful economics materials at The Library of Economics and Liberty site. 

Discover a wealth of academic recources for teaching economics and personal finance at the .

Explore economic data and easily convert to visual aids on the Economic Research site of the .

The U.S. Department of Commerce provides access to data on the US economy on the . 

Find useful stats and information at the .

Find practical financial literacy aids, as well as lesson plans, games and educational tools at .

Explore data related to worldwide living standards through dynamic displays and videos at .

Infographics galore! Discover a variety of visual media tools based on business and investing trends by going to .

See unemployment gains and losses in US metropolitan areas since 1999 visualized on the Geography of Jobs map by visiting .

Get a closer look at the latest annual studies by the on the Economic Freedom of North America and the Economic Freedom of the World.

Suggested reads

The Armchair Economist Steven Landsburg